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IT Support Service Providers Need to Keep It Simple

IT support refers to the services that companies offer to clients of specific technologies or products. In simple terms, IT support provides assistance to customers regarding specific issues with a specific technology product or service, as opposed to offering training, provision of customization or other technical support services on behalf of the customer. Today, IT support is becoming very important for both small and large companies because of the increased complexity of technology-based systems, which can lead to a lot of frustrations and challenges for IT support professionals.

IT support is a highly specialized service.

One type is provided through the use of IT support software programs such as Microsoft Office, Web support, and other applications. These programs typically include built-in tools for troubleshooting, reporting, and software integration. IT support companies that provide this type of support via email are called “IT consultants,” and many offer social media consulting as part of their services.

A second IT support model includes a number of consultants that are provided on a salaried basis by a specific technology services firm. This is sometimes referred to as a “tiered support model.” In this case, IT support requests are processed through a ranking system based on factors such as frequency of use, severity of problems, and level of responsibility (or responsibility for specific IT concerns). Each consultant in the tier provides different levels of assistance, ranging from free troubleshooting and basic training to specialized training and consultation.

A third type is provided through a cloud services company. This occurs when an IT support company provides support services via the Internet. Examples of this service include application development and application installation, database server administration, network configuration, network security management, application testing, and more. IT support services provided via the Internet can come in various forms, including online tech support or phone services (such as voicemail and e-mail). Some service providers are even providing live chat options for their customers.

The fourth IT support company model is managed services. In this scenario, the IT support company provides only hardware, software, and documentation for specific IT concerns. The advantage to this arrangement is that a single department can take care of all of a company’s IT needs. Managed services companies also tend to specialize in one or two technologies, such as desktop management, database management, or web site design and management.

The fifth and final IT support solution option is a hybrid service.

Hybrid services combine aspects of managed services and on-demand technical support. A help desk customer service is provided by one or more IT technical support companies. Help desk services can be outsourced for a portion of the company’s IT needs or to cover all of the customer service functions. The hybrid setup often involves a number of other IT support companies as it offers better cost efficiency.

  • One of the most important advantages of tiered technical support models is that they provide IT departments with an effective way of consolidating technology expenses.
  • This allows IT departments to spread IT costs over fewer devices.
  • Thereby allowing each department to build a solid foundation in which all of their IT functions are anchored.

IT support service tiers can provide different levels of support based upon IT department needs. This is another positive customer experience that IT professionals should aim to create when providing tiered technical support.

IT support service providers must continue to improve their ability to tailor IT support services to the needs of individual business units. While the introduction of IT cloud services and tiered IT support models have improved IT departmental efficiency, IT support professionals must continue to explore new ways in which to customize IT support services for each business unit. IT support services have become too generalized in many recent years.